#andreas katsulas
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vertigoartgore · 10 months ago
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The Babylon 5 cast flipping the bird (with their looks from Season 4). From the 1997's TV Guide cover story about B5.
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queer-scots-geordie-dyke · 6 months ago
"My new colleague, Andreas Katsulas, the actor whom I could have met years ago in Paris but didn’t (I lived in Paris on a theater grant while he was there working with my idol, Peter Brook), impresses me deeply on the first day I meet him. His whole face AND body are covered by make-up.
He sees me one day on the set, as I’m sulking over my sad destiny. He sits down by me, in front of the sound stage, in the blistering August heat, lights up a cigarette and puts it into his mouth, the only part of his face not covered with latex (he’s undoubtedly braver and more committed than me, having let “Them” put black lenses into his eyes). “Just remember: all acting started with masks,” says Andreas. “Try to find freedom within the new frame. Try to think of the restriction as liberation.” Watching him work, I clearly understand what he means. I’ve never met an actor with such unlimited freedom.
And what else is the ultimate goal of every actor, of every artist in fact, but achieving freedom? In his work? In her life? Not only is my vanity and my whole sense of identity (as a woman, as an actor, as a human being) shaken on every level; I’m also dripping with sweat under the unforgiving California sun. Waiting for my shot, I pant and whine to whoever wants to listen. I notice: Andreas never, ever complains. “Think of the old country,” he advises me. “Think of all those old ladies back home (he himself is of Greek origin, so we are neighbors in a way and we like it), those women covered from head to toe in heavy black cloth. It’s a simple technique: you sweat and let that sweat cool you down. Try it.” Ah, Andreas. Could there have been a better role model for me? I became and still am his humble student."
- Mira Furlan, Love Me More Than Anything In the World
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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
Patrick Troughton Vs. Andreas Katsulas
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Patrick Troughton - (Doctor Who) - His version of the doctor is my absolute favourite.
Andreas Katsulas - (Babylon 5) - He’s G’Kar! How could I not be desperately in love with him? He’s a delight! Also he would purr when women came up to him while he was in makeup because he apparently felt very attractive wearing it! He’s cute out of makeup too!!!
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Patrick Troughton:
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Andreas Katsulas:
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years ago
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One Dress a Day Challenge
August: Fantasy & Sci-Fi
Babylon 5 / Andreas Katsulas as Ambassador G'Kar
Just look at the sheer number of materials and textures that go into making this costume, from the ornate breastplate to the padded shoulders and studded sleeves. The designer for this show, Ann Bruce Aling, had a background mostly in theater design, and it shows in the bold design work. Combined with the prosthetics that turn the actor into an alien, the whole effect is a great example of worldbuilding through costume.
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Who is hotter? Tomalak or Kirk AOS?
69 Round one, match Sixty Nine
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nihillist-blog · 3 months ago
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The Fugitive (1993)
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fakedtales · 3 months ago
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It’s Monday and we’re back with some more Casual Trek for you!
Today we’ve got @celesteisbest of the @nerdandtie podcast guest-starring to talk about Romulans!
“The Enterprise Incident” features Kirk in Rom-face, the Romulan Cuck Chair and a simulated messy break up between Kirk & Spock.
“The Enemy” puts Geordi LaForge in a hole with a Romulan and Worf definitely kills a guy!
“Eye of the Needle” has the unimpressive 30cm of the Harry Kim Wormhole reaching all the way home. The problem… they’ve reached a Romulan scientist! Feel free to probe the wormhole, but don’t put anything else in there!
You can hear all this and more on Spotify, on all podcatchers or over here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/43sG70fwvfBfdu7ofEWAZH
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filmjunky-99 · 5 months ago
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b a b y l o n 5 created by J. Michael Straczynski Ambassador G'Kar of the Narn
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months ago
Del Varner was murdered on January 3, 2257. ("The Gathering" Babylon 5, TV Event)
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yumyumpod · 1 year ago
Truly iconic.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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Babylon 5: The Complete Series will be released on Blu-ray on December 5 via Warner Bros. Created by J. Michael Straczynski (Sense8, World War Z), the sci-fi series ran for five seasons between 1993 and 1998.
Bruce Boxleitner, Michael O'Hare, Claudia Christian, Jerry Doyle, Mira Furlan, Andreas Katsulas, Peter Jurasik, Richard Biggs, Andrea Thompson, Stephen Furst, Bill Mumy, Tracy Scoggins, Jason Carter, Robert Rusler, Jeff Conaway, Patricia Tallman, and Mary Kay Adams star.
The 21-disc box set includes all 110 episodes, newly remastered in high definition, along with the original pilot film, Babylon 5: The Gathering.
258 CE. Five hostile federations dominate the outermost regions of space. Heroes, thieves, and rare and exotic beings find refuge in this time of uneasy peace and the constant threat of war on a lone space station — the last and best hope for peace between a hundred worlds, alien and human alike — Babylon 5.
Pre-order Babylon 5: The Complete Series.
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vertigoartgore · 9 months ago
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Babylon 5 Season 1 Cast Photo (1994). When Delenn (Mira Furlan) didn't have any hair yet (before the season finale "Chrysalis")
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queer-scots-geordie-dyke · 6 months ago
"The other photo on my wall is a black and white portrait of Andreas giving a military salute. In the photo he’s already bald from chemotherapy. Bald and intensely alive. Another old warrior, just like my father. Eccentric, wildly talented, deeply spiritual, Andreas had the ability to lift you to a whole different dimension when you were lucky enough to be in a scene with him. Any scene, even the most ordinary, the most insignificant one. (He would probably protest and say that “insignificant” scenes don’t exist if you’re a truly serious actor.)
Under all the latex, he was the most human of us all. You had a feeling that he could get away with any choice, even the most outrageous one. He was that free. He was that brave. I remember a scene we had one day on B5. As I was learning my lines at home, I didn’t think much of the scene. I saw it as an exposition scene, with lots of words and not much emotion. In the scene, the following question is discussed: is it justified to sacrifice a certain number of people (and aliens of course – we were on B5!) to save an even bigger amount of people (and aliens)? To me the scene seemed like a dry, philosophical, purely theoretical discussion between our characters. I was looking forward to working with The Master but wished for a more emotional scene. Oh well, I thought, even this was better than nothing.
So I come to the set, all made up. I sit in a chair. And there, facing me, is the big lizard G’Kar, looking at me. I say my first line and look into Andreas’s red eyes. Before answering me, he pauses. I see his chin trembling. I see a tiny tear appear in the corner of his eye. And, suddenly, I am moved beyond words. And, suddenly, I too feel a tear in my own eye. And, suddenly, the scene becomes a completely different scene from the one I had envisioned at home. The dialogue suddenly becomes deeply personal. The words don’t matter any more (or, more precisely, they suddenly start to truly matter, having been illuminated by the personal stake invested into them).
What Andreas brings to those words is his whole being, his whole human experience, all his pain and sadness. And, suddenly, we soar. And I am lifted to another realm. And while this is happening, I’m aware, somewhere in the corner of my mind, that I’m privileged to take part in a master class in acting which starts with one of the most important lessons: no scene can ever be dismissed as insignificant. Even if it is, an actor’s job is to make it personal. The job is nothing more (and nothing less) than to make EVERYTHING personal. Only then the words start to matter and the scene has a chance to come alive. I thank Andreas in my mind, grateful for that unexpected moment we all live for.
But Andreas is also deeply introspective and insecure. When I call him one day after the show had ended and ask him how he is, he says: “I’m mourning the death of my career.” He also says: “I’m just a mediocre actor. That’s not enough to ‘make it.’ The world needs exceptional actors, not someone like me.” (And I’m thinking: if you’re mediocre, where do I belong?) His insecurity is endearing to me and just proves that the best people are modest and humble. It also proves something I’ve been aware of for a long time: only fools are perfectly self-confident. Doubt, especially self-doubt, is a part of wisdom. A part of being human.
He comes to dinner to our house and brings a Greek desert he has made himself. He gives me the recipe. I have kept it on my fridge ever since. He collects coupons from the papers and uses them for grocery shopping. He has a weekly budget he sticks to, no matter what. He tells me he wants to collect a million dollars in his bank account before he dies. “Does it have to be a straight million?” I ask, laughing. “Yes, it has to be a round number,” he answers, dead serious.
I propose to Peter and Andreas that we do my beloved play, the one that I never had a chance to do: Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal.” In my mind it would be a dream job with a dream cast in a dream play. Peter is somewhat game but Andreas says he’s “burnt out” theater-wise. He says (and he’s right) that theater requires a different kind of readiness, a different kind of stamina, a different kind of mental and physical form. “We’ve all lost it. Since we’re not doing it any more,” he says and gets me worried. Would I ever be able to do theater again?
Billy comes up with the idea of doing a record. We all contribute two songs. It’s a lot of fun. Andreas says he can’t sing but Billy is persuasive enough and Andreas finally agrees to do it. Although he’s not a singer and is off key most of the time, he steals the record with his absolute honesty and his genuine feeling, capturing the very essence of blues.
And then he gets sick. We go to his house and read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, according to his wishes. He had found love by the end of his life. His wife put together a short film with clips from his performances. We watch the breathtakingly handsome young Andreas in a hot, sexy scene on some Greek island with the most famous model of the seventies, Verushka. We all laugh and Andreas laughs the most. We watch him do theater somewhere in Africa with the great master, Peter Brook. We don’t want to let him go. And when he dies, his wife invites us to sit with him and help him “make the transition,” as is the Buddhist way. G. and I sit there for half an hour. He looks like the Greek god that he is. He’s majestic. He’s like a sculpture. His body is cold and peaceful and so beautiful, so absolutely perfect. And death seems natural and not scary at all. Farewell, dear, sweet, talented man! We were lucky to know you.
My friends are with me all the time, alive or dead. After a while it doesn’t matter anymore. Sometimes the dead ones seem more alive than the living. Maybe it’s my nature. Maybe it’s my age. Maybe it’s just how it is."
- Mira Furlan, Love Me More Than Anything In the World
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months ago
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Poirot staring longingly at G'Kar
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duranduratulsa · 5 months ago
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...The Fugitive (1993) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #TheFugitive #HarrisonFord #TommyLeeJones #SelaWard #JoePantoliano #JulianneMoore #andreaskatsulas #janelynch #thomasmillswoods #jeroenkrabbe #DanielRoebuck #lscottcaldwell #NickSearcy #RichardRiehle #vintage #VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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that-glitter-chick · 2 years ago
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